Because life is a series of edits

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In Family, Young Ones on August 29, 2010 at 7:56 pm


Meet the newest member of our family: Peaches. The story goes that somebody left her with a note tied to a stop sign in South City. A single-parent family took her in but couldn't keep pets in their apartment, so they contacted a seminary couple in the neighborhood who put the request on the Cov Love email list we started five years ago. Long story short, we're glad owners of this cute little pup.

Though it's only been 24 hours or so, we've really been amazed at her sweet disposition, her non-existent barking, and the fact that she only required one bathroom run in the middle of her first night here. She's respectful of the cats (which is fortunate for her, as any one of them would drop her like a bad habit if she were otherwise), loves ham and has learned to sit and wait patiently for it (she's a little malnourished, so we've given her plenty of opportunities to learn manners this weekend), and survived multiple hours of 12 sets of little girl hands this afternoon as we had several families over after church this afternoon to meet her (the whole thing looked so exhausting that I took a nap on her behalf).

We think she's got some cocker spaniel in her, but we're not sure what else (rat terrier? beagle?), so if you've got some canine counsel, feel free to offer your insights. All we know for sure is she's a sweet little puppy who seems more than happy being part of our family (cats and all), and we're glad to make her the newest addition to the Half Pint House.

What I Learned on Summer Vacation

In Family, Places, Young Ones on August 20, 2010 at 6:41 am


I've been up to my eyeballs with school starting this week and haven't had much time or energy to write. I did have a deadline this week for my monthly post over at ModSquad, though, so head over there for some new material. The post is called "What I Learned on Summer Vacation."

Biblical Imagination: New Opp w/ Michael Card

In Books, Calling, Church, Education, Musicians, Theologians, Writers on August 6, 2010 at 12:14 pm

When I was 14, a friend of mine gave me my first Michael Card cassette, Scandalon. The year was 1985. Though quite different from the music my friends were listening to at the time, I was desperate for anything that spoke of my new friend, Jesus, who had just introduced Himself to me a few months earlier.

Thirty days later, I had worn out the tape.

While I enjoyed the richness of Michael’s distinct voice and memorable melodies, I was more intrigued by the words and phrases that made up his profound lyrics. Sadly, growing up in my small-town Methodist church, I had not heard much about (let alone begun to understand the meaning of) “the stone that makes men stumble and a rock that makes them fall” (Scandalon), or that “the Lamb is a Lion who’s roaring with rage” (The Lamb is a Lion), or that when we follow Christ, we are following “God’s own fool” (God’s Own Fool). I was fascinated.

Though little of the language made sense to me at the time, I kept listening (though I had to get another tape—where were CDs when I needed them?). I also began reading (barely) the Scriptures, which I didn’t understand much at first, either. But whether listening to Michael (and others), or “semi-reading” the Bible, the imagery of it all stuck with me, dancing in my high school-aged head at night, sparking a hunger and thirst within me not only for this imagery’s meaning, but for being able to respond to its meaning. That’s what the power of creativity can do…and that’s what it has done in my life.

In 2002, as the program director for The Navigators Glen Eyrie Group, I booked Mike for a series of conferences/concerts at the Glen and insisted he be part of planning them. This was surreal for me and new for Mike (he had never had the opportunity to actually speak into the planning of a retreat for which he had been booked), and together we created the Scribbling in the Sand Conference on Creativity.

Twenty-five years since that initial listen to Scandalon and five years since our last conference days, I'm flying to Nashville this weekend to hang with Mike, as he has asked me to join his team as a creative adviser/collaborator/teacher for the next stage of his ministry. Mike has just signed a four-book deal on the topic of biblical imagination with InterVarsity Press, has a new album coming out in February, and wants to converge all these together in a weekend retreat/conference experience beginning next year.

Because of our friendship and past ministry together, he's asked me to help, both as a facilitator and as a co-teacher like we used to do back in the day. I'm thrilled, especially since a majority of the teaching he's doing these days is in the summer, which works well with my own teaching schedule during the school year at Westminster Christian Academy.

As a friend of mine mentioned as we were having breakfast this morning, God does not waste a thing in our lives. Indeed, to trace the hand of God through all of this has been yet another significant lesson in the reality of God's sovereignty and the importance of our faithfulness in the littlest of things. I don't know all that lies ahead (whether with Mike or otherwise), but I do know that God does, and he has proven himself trustworthy far too many times throughout history (the world's and my own) to doubt him.

I'm sure I'll have more after the trip, but in the meantime, thanks for any prayers you may offer on my behalf. Pray I'll be faithful to what God (and Mike) may be asking me to do as part of this new opportunity, as well as to what I'm doing now here in St. Louis.

Review: Inception

In Movies on August 4, 2010 at 8:48 pm

Inception CraigIf you've not yet seen Christopher Nolan's Inception, it's mind-blowing. While I tend to review most films I see in the theater, I'm not sure I have words for this one; thus, I'll borrow this line from columnist Andree Seu's thoughts on the film: "Inception is like The Matrix on LSD." Indeed.

That one guy wrote AND directed this masterpiece is astounding; that this one guy is my age makes me glad that I might see a lot more of his films in the future.

I know I'm gushing, so I'll stop. All I can say is, if you're at all into exciting films that are engaging on an intellectual, philosophical, and even theological level, Inception is something straight out of a dream.

Or two…or three…or four…

(FYI: Here's my review of Nolan's previous film, The Dark Knight.)